Pre Book Stockholm 2026

Exclusively for you 50 tickets only!

Jan 30 – feb 1, 2026

🌈 Exclusive Offer Just For You! As a participant at the Yoga Games in Båstad, we want to give you and your friends a unique chance to secure your places at next year’s event – at the 2025 Super Early Bird prices! This special offer can only be booked now.

🎟️ Choose Your Classes in Advance. As you know many classes were quickly fully booked! You will of course see some of your favorite teachers again and discover new inspiring faces. Before the program is officially released in the spring, you will have the chance to choose your classes and secure your place in the most sought-after sessions.

🎁 Exclusive Goodie Bag x2! As an extra bonus, an exclusive goodie bag awaits you when you come next year!

⏳ Limited Number of Places Please note that this offer is limited to booking by Wednesday February 5 at 12 noon and that we only 50 tickets (first come, first served)

Friday 120 Euro
Saturday 149 Euro
Sunday 139 Euro
Saturday & Sunday 239 Euro

  • 1. Välj dagar
  • 2. Välj pass
  • 3. Personuppgifter
  • 4. Summering
  • 5. Betala
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Betala på faktura (ENDAST FÖRETAG)

En faktureringsavgift på 50 kr tillkommer.

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