Who participates in Yoga Games?
Everyone who has tried yoga or who wants to try yoga! There are challenges and development opportunities for everyone, experienced yogis or beginners. For three days, Yoga Games offers a wide range of workshops, yoga, and lectures
Your ticket is in the app!
Please download the Yoga Games app through the links at the end of this page. Log in by using the email address you used when booking. A code is sent by email that is used for logging in. 30 minutes before a class starts you can check in to that class and show up in the studio. Is also easy to change classes in your booking using the app.
Workshop on Friday
Friday’s workshop is for those who want to deepen their knowledge about details. It is a unique opportunity to get deeper knowledge and inspiration from some of the best.
Food and drinks
Are not included in the tickets. There is a café in Marketplace that offers refreshments and snacks. Salads will be offered during the days. Make sure you plan your classes so you have time to eat lunch.
Dressing Room
Access to dressing rooms is limited. If you have the opportunity, it´s best to arrive in yoga clothes and maybe have some change of clothes with you. A large, supervised, cloakroom is in place for clothes.
Do you bring your own yoga mat?
We recommend those who have to bring their own mat. Yoga mats is for sale in the Marketplace
How do I Book a class?
You do so when registering, which takes place under the tab “Book Now”.
In how many classes can I participate on Saturday and Sunday?
You can participate in a maximum of 5 classes per day on Saturday and Sunday. When you make your booking you have to provide breaks to rest and to eat.
Please see the price for each event. All events offer an “early bird” discount so it’s always good to book in advance.
For larger groups, it is possible to pay by invoice. On request, send an email to andreas@yogagames.org
Personal information
All personal information received through the notification is treated under the laws and rules. Signing up for Yoga Games approves retention of data, but only for the use of Yoga Games.
Change a class?
You can change your class if space is available in the required class. Contact info@yogagames.org
Questions are easiest answered on info@yogagames.org For specific cases, see under the tab contact.