Som en del i vårt större mål, att öka yoga i Sverige, erbjuder vi helt gratis yogaklasser en gång i månaden. Upplev yogaklasser som leds av några av de mest populära lärarna från våra events.

Typ av yoga varieras av lärarna men alltid på en nivå som alla kan vara med på. Vi sänder via zoom så det enda du behöer är en dator eller mobil samt en plats att vara på. Rulla ut din yogamatta och anslut!

As part of our larger goal, to increase yoga in Sweden, we offer completely free yoga classes once a month. Experience yoga classes led by some of the most popular teachers from our events.

The type of yoga is varied by the teachers, but always at a level that everyone can participate in. We meet on Zoom so the only thing you need is a computer or mobile phone and a place to be. Roll out your yoga mat and connect!

Upcoming classes

Sunday October 6, 7.30 PM – Rusty Wells

LoveSong – Every breath becomes a song and a poem. And every movement becomes a prayer-filled dance. Come prepared to sing,  sweat and flow!

Sunday November 3, 7.00 PM – David Kam

The Ocean of Being – Wash the day away with a fluid movement practice honouring the ways of water and the state of flow. We will explore softer ways of un/folding with our bodies, accessing the feeling of ease and spaciousness across our joints. Explore the ebb and flow between the inner and outer world, from within and beyond. Two bricks could be useful for practice, but not mandatory

Sunday December 1, 8.0 PM – Michael James Wong