Yoga Games are 3 days filled with inspiring classes, lectures, and workshops. You choose your own program and book the classes you want to attend. Make sure to book early as many classes fill up.
An opportunity for a unique experience where international and local teachers create magic classes in a wide range. Also, visit the popular Marketplace with fantastic exhibitors.
In 2024, we present a record number of new teachers and exciting classes.
Our goal is to provide new experiences and show people the wonderful world of yoga!
Program & Teachers
The program offers a variety where new exciting names are mixed with favorites from last year’s premiere. Workshops, yoga classes, meditations, and lectures are offered for you to choose your own program for the weekend.
Lama Chmey is a Buddhist Minister, Authorized Lama and Dharma & Meditation Teacher, who lived as an ordained Buddhist nun for 12 years. Lama Chimey is a Published Poet, Music creator, Writer, Lecturer, and Speaker who has been rewarded as an “Outstanding Woman in Buddhism” by a panel of international Buddhist scholars and practitioners. Reverend Lama Chimey received the award in Thailand, March, 2023.
David Kam – Using traditional yoga postures (asana) as points of departure, he will guide you through fluid, multidimensional sequences blending the worlds of architecture, dance and spirituality to condition towards complexity and mobilize towards longevity.
You can meet many popular teachers such as Matt Giordano, Adam Husler, Holly Husler, Ulrica Norberg, Johanna Hector, Francesca Golfetto and many more.
The classes are divided into the categories, Flow, Recovery, Workshop, and Talks and also in Beginners, All levels, Experienced and English. This is to facilitate your choice of classes.
Bookings are made with full days Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday. Choose your own combination. On Friday it´s 3 hour workshops with different topics. If you book early, you get a discount and have the best chance of a place before your favorites are fully booked.

Back in Stockholm for the eighth time
Yoga Games arranged the first event in Stockholm in 2015 and now we look forward to the eighth year of inspiration, joy, and community.
Admission Marketplace 15 Euro pre-book (18 Euro at event)
Friday 145 Euro
Saturday and Sunday 260 Euro
Saturday or Sunday 179 Euro
Includes: Friday two 3 hours workshops
Saturday & Sunday five classes per day
Admission Marketplace includes:
– Access to free Yoga classes
– Program on the Big Stage
– Visit exhibitors
(Admission is included when booking tickets to yoga classes)

When booking, first choose the days you want to go, in the next step you choose your classes. Feel free to read through the schedule before so you know a little about the classes and teachers.
The classes are marked in the categories Recovery – Flow – Talk and Workshop.
Once you have booked your classes, you are guaranteed your place in them. After completing the booking, you will receive a booking confirmation/receipt via email. Changes to your program can be made afterward by contacting us.
Tickets for single classes can be purchased on-site every and cost SEK 400 per class on Saturday and Sunday. Friday’s workshops cost SEK 800.

Marketplace Stockholm
A large bonus during Yoga Games Saturday and Sunday is our energy-rich Marketplace where our exhibitors usually have a really good offer exclusively for you!
Get exclusive offers and news from well-known brands in health, exercise, and well-being.
Examples include training clothes, yoga studios, yoga courses, teacher trainings, yoga mats and accessories for yoga, charities, health food, online concepts, massages, and more. All with a focus on a healthy and sustainable life.
Opening Hours Marketplace
Saturday 08-19
Sunday 09-16
Admission 15 Euro pre-booked
(18 Euro at event)
Admission Marketplace includes:
– Access to free Yoga classes
– Program on the Big Stage
– Visit exhibitors
– Valid Saturday & Sunday
(Admission is included when booking tickets to yoga classes)
Exhibitors Marketplace

Where thoughts meet possibilities
We are pleased to invite you to be part of the inspiring atmosphere at the Yoga Games in Stockholm on February 3-4. The stage is more than just a stage – it’s a bubbling melting pot where the ideas of the future, in everything from mindfulness to technological innovations, will take shape and be shared with an audience passionate about personal development.
11:45 – 12:00 PANELTALK
Paneldiskussion med yogalärare
12:05- 12:20 TALK
Utforska hur du kan använda dig av Buddhistisk Meditation tillsammans med din Yogapraxis för att odla Inre Styrka i ovissa tider.
Lama Chimey
12:25 – 12:35 TALK
Framtidens Hudvård
Johana Gillbro, Skinome
13:00 – 14:00 LIVE PODD
Ayurvedapodden med gäst Johanna Hector
Johanna Mårdh
14:10 – 14:25 PANEL TALK
Paneldiskussion med yogalärare
14:30 – 14:45 TALK
The Square of self leadership
Sheila Arnell och Magnus Fridh
14:50 – 15:05 TALK
Using social media in a way you’re proud of
Adam och Holly Husler
15:00 – 16:00 LIVE PODD
Holy Crap podcast
Amanda Miklin och Mathilda Ritzén
16:25- 16:40 TALK
Leva i synk med menscykel
Sheila Arnell
16:45 -17:00 TALK
Beyond Asana On what lies beyond the traditional postures we practice and how practice can transcend the mat.
David Kam
11:10 – 11:25 TALK
5 ways to help your wellness business thrive
Adam och Holly Husler
11:30 – 11:50 PANEL TALK
Paneldiskussion med yogalärare
13:20 – 13:35 TALK
KNIP – vägen till en starkare bäckenbotten
Karolina Ersson (Pistill/Aleah Care
13:40 – 13:50 TALK
Holistiskt läkande
Doctor Diamantis
13:55 – 14:55 LIVE PODD
Soul coaching podden. Är det du som blir coachad live på scenen?
Sandra Aggemo
15:20 – 15:35 TALK
Om meditationens inneboende kraft
Magnus Fridh

During Yoga Games we offer free yoga classes and lectures. It is not possible to book a ticket in advance, everyone is welcome, even if you haven’t purchased a ticket to Yoga Games. Bring your yoga mat and make sure to come one hour in before starting to get your ticket.
Take the stain to the Central Station then the red subway line to Mariatorget. Exit at the Torkel Knutssonsgatan and Polishuset exit.
As you exit the subway station, take a right down Torkel Knutssonsgatan and follow this street about 400 meters to the Brewery which is situated on Torkel Knutssonsgatan number 2 on your left-hand side.